I've been nominated for an award!

OMG. Breathe, Maeve, breathe!

Haha yay! Thanks, Fab!

Now, the first rule is that I have to include seven interesting things about myself.

And..... GO!

1.)  I LOVE DOCTOR WHO. You probably already know that. You can visit the page I have for it. But did you know that my dad introduced me to it? :D He's from Ireland.

2.) I like lemon merange  (merange? Is that how you spell it?) pie. Without the merange. :)

3.) I have no pets. I used to have two fish but when my mom and I went on vacation to Florida my dad cleaned the tank with chemicals. You know what happened next. :)

4.) I have no social life! Haha just kidding. I should rephrase that. I have no social life after school. That's better. Homework is my unwanted friend. :)

5.) I'm a trombone  player! Have been since fifth grade.

6.) An A(/A-) :) student since sixth grade.

7.) I like to act. Currently I'm in In the Heights at my school. I've also done background work as an acting job (I was in the Hallmark movie The Makeover for about three seconds, lol!)

Okay, so this is the part where I’m supposed to nominate 7 bloggers  for the award.

And..... GO!

1) Beginingsinwriting > The first blog I read, lol! I'm not really a blogging type person, but I like contests, so thank you, Mr. F, for the crit and introducing me to blogging! :) And I heard that the missing "n" is on purpose. :)

2.) The Writing Bean > Thanks again Fab! I love the posts (ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AND CRICKETS? What more do you need?) :D

3.) The Resurgence > Not really a blog, and I bet she'll never see this post, but to my friend and fellow writer, I nominate Fiona. :)

4.) House of the Tardis > Haha Fiona again but  this is more of a blog. :) AWESOME Doctor Who stuff right here.

5.) Critique Circle > Why not? It's got a blog. :) Very helpful stuff and info  for writers, by writers. (Cheesy, but I couldn't resist. :D)

6.) Uh oh. I  ran out of blogs. :-o Oops. I told you I wasn't much of a blogging person. :)

7.) Here's some math for ya. Nominations 1-5 each get another 2/5 of an award. :)

Done! Not sure how I'll win... or how I'll know if I won... but it was fun!

:-o I'm a poet and I didn't even know it. :)
Hehehehe.... Keep reading. You'll understand why... :)
I forgot to post something IMPORTANT yesterday.


Oh well, carry on.

What? You want to know what was important?

If you insist....

It was my BIRTHDAY!

I know! You never saw that one coming. :)

I ate THREE cupcakes. Two from my friend (red velvet, yummy!) and one from my parents. CHOCOLATE!

It was funny though, because some of my friends that I thought would remember didn't and some who I thought would forget remembered. :o

And there's a storm a comin'. On Friday! And Saterday! The day I wanted to celebrate at the movies! And we are supposed to get two feet of snow, maybe more!



At least I don't have a lot of homework. ;)