Hello fellow... people. Hmm. Interesting...

I don't have any idea about you people reading this. Not at all! Well, some of you (oh, I admit it; most) are from CC. Hehe...

BUT! I am not just a writer. I am a trombonist, an actress, a singer, a student, and most importantly, a Whovian.

A Whovian, you ask? Why, they are only the most awesome people in the world. Many are British, but they come from many different nationalities, like me, the American.

Now you may be wondering about that picture. A Tardis? What the heck is that? Well, you have to be a Whovian to understand.

Okay, so a Whovian is someone who is a SUPERFAN of the British TV show, Doctor Who. Who? Get it? Whovian? Okay.
Here's a knock knock joke:

Me: Knock Knock.
You: Who's there?
Me: The Doctor.
You: Doctor Who?
Me: *grin* Exactly.

Okay, back to business.

The Tardis is the Doctor's time and space traveling spaceship.

The chameleon ability to let it blend in got stuck in the form of a British police box. And it's bigger on the inside! A whole different dimension...
And I have one in my room! Well, it's really just a cardboard cutout, but still awesome nonetheless.

It's a bowtie. I wear bowties now. Bowties are cool.
-Matt Smith (aka, the Doctor)

-Again, Matt Smith. :)
1/21/2013 09:37:07 am

A Tardis in your room, even a cardboard cut out, is a treasure. I haven't seen Doctor Who in a long while, but I used to never miss the show. Loved it!

1/21/2013 09:45:52 am

Yes, I am very proud of it. :)


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